LIFT Accident

Being involved in a LIFT accident in Erie, Pennsylvania, will likely leave everyone involved feeling shocked and confused. After a LIFT accident, it is best to reach out to an experienced bus accident attorney. While the Erie Metropolitan Transit Authority (EMTA) does have an excellent safety record, accidents can happen at any time. Consider the story of an Erie resident colliding with a LIFT bus at a local intersection. The bus was headed west, and the Jeep involved in the accident was heading north. The Jeep had a collision with the LIFT bus resulting in personal injuries to a passenger on the bus. LIFT is part of the EMTA’s paratransit program that provides transport for individuals with physical disabilities, seniors and those who live beyond established bus routes or cannot use bus services. A collision with a LIFT bus invokes the doctrine of “governmental immunity.” Governmental immunity means different rules are followed for accidents with government vehicles and refers to claims against municipalities themselves or against local municipal officials. One rule involves notice to the government entity. Typically, notice must be made in writing to the agency within six months of the accident. There are limited exceptions to this rule. Further, to recover damages for pain and suffering in a LIFT accident, the plaintiff or victim has to prove at least one of the following: death, permanent disfigurement, permanent dismemberment where medical costs exceed $1,500 and/or the permanent loss of bodily function. Ultimately, under Pennsylvania’s governmental immunity law, Erie is limited to providing a rental and paying the vehicle owner’s deductible. The reason for the local government providing somewhat limited recompense is because of the Pennsylvania Political Subdivision Tort Claims Act. This is not, however, a free pass for the government in accident cases. They can be held responsible in limited circumstances that include negligence, but exceptions to the Act are narrowly defined and difficult to prove. It makes sense to have a LIFT bus accident attorney from MP2 Placidi & Parini to speak on your behalf. MP2 Placidi & Parini ensures that your right to sue the government is protected. They have decades of experience to bring to the case to help you get a fair and equitable resolution. Reach out to MP2 Placidi & Parini to understand how an accident with a LIFT bus may affect you and what your options may be.