Erie Essential Employee Work Injury Lawyers
While filing a claim for compensation may not be at the front of your mind as you recover from your illness, we encourage you to reach out as soon as possible to discuss your options.
Since the beginning of March, the novel coronavirus, or COVID-19, has spread like wildfire across the United States. While the disease first showed up on the west coast, and then New York City, it was not long before Pennsylvania saw its first case. Since then, Governor Wolf has taken a series of steps to help combat the rapid spread of the virus, including issuing a series of executive orders closing schools, requiring residents stay at home and shutting down large portions of the state’s economy.
At MP2 Placidi & Parini, we represent Pennsylvania essential employees who have contracted COVID-19 to help them recover compensation. A COVID-19 diagnosis almost certainly will result in significant medical bills, missed work, and can even result in life-long injury or death. We want to help you and your family during this incredibly challenging time.
Pennsylvania COVID-19 Resources
The state of California has gathered resources and statistics about COVID-19. Below are some helpful links.
Pennsylvania interractive COVID-19 testing site map:
Across the United States, there are between 49 to 62 million essential workers, representing between 34 to 43 percent of the total workforce.
- Essential workers spend, on average, 55 percent of their time in close proximity with others.
- Many essential workers earn less than the national average of $18.58 per hour.
- 12 percent of essential workers do not have health insurance

Protecting Against the Spread of COVID-19
COVID-19 is a very contagious infectious disease that is primarily spread through the air. According to health experts, the virus causing the disease is most often spread when an infected person coughs or sneezes. This releases small droplets into the air that may contain the virus, and if another person breathes in these tiny droplets, that person may contract the virus. The virus can also spread when an uninfected person touches an infected surface and then touches their eyes, nose or mouth.
COVID-19 is spread through the air as well as through physical touch. Thus, the World Health Organization recommends that, to combat the spread of the disease, everyone:
- Wash their hands regularly for at least 20 seconds with liquid soap and water;
- Cover their nose and mouth with a disposable tissue when coughing or sneezing;
- Avoid close contact (within six feet) of those who may have the virus;
- Wear a mask when around other people; and
- Stay at home and self-isolate if they are feeling unwell.
On April 1, 2020 Governor Wolf issued an executive order requiring most residents stay at home to reduce the rate at which COVID-19 spreads. However, the Governor’s executive order leaves room for many “life sustaining” businesses to continue operations. Employees who work for these life-sustaining businesses, depending on their employers, may be required to come into work.
Who Is at Risk?
At the present time, experts believe that everyone is susceptible to COVID-19, and that no one is immune unless they have already had the virus. Anyone who ends up contracting COVID-19 is at risk of developing severe respiratory symptoms that can lead to death. However, many of those who are young and healthy will recover if they become infected. That said, even an otherwise healthy person may become ill and could need to be hospitalized before recovering.
The real concern is that the disease presents an increased risk of death for those over 60 years of age, those who are immunocompromised, as well as individuals with certain pre-existing health conditions, including:
- Liver disease
- Kidney disease
- Asthma
- Serious heart conditions
- Chronic lung conditions
- Obesity
- Diabetes
If you or a loved one has been designated as an essential employee, and contracted COVID-19 while at work, contact the dedicated injury advocates at Placidi, Parini, Grasinger & Page.
Practice Areas
John is a great attorney. John and his staff promptly return calls and emails when you have questions and concerns not only when the process starts but all the way to completion. John and his staff have been a godsend throughout. I would recommend them to anyone and have.
Governor Wolf’s Response to COVID-19
The state government has released a document describing in detail the positions that are considered to provide life-sustaining business activity, including:
Under the Governor’s original stay-at-home order, residents were to remain inside their homes unless leaving to conduct the following:
- Tasks that are essential to maintain health and safety;
- Obtaining necessary services;
- Engaging in certain outdoor activity;
- To perform work providing essential products and services at a life-sustaining business; and
- To care for a loved one.
- Agriculture
- Food manufacturing
- Chemical manufacturing
- Metal manufacturing
- Many wholesalers
- Grocery stores
- Beer distributors
- Air, truck, rail and water transportation
- Postal service
- Agriculture
- Food manufacturing
- Chemical manufacturing
- Metal manufacturing
- Many wholesalers
- Grocery stores
- Beer distributors
- Air, truck, rail and water transportation
- Postal service
If an employee is exposed to COVID-19
The Governor’s order acknowledges the fact that some employees are going to be exposed and clarified what an employer should do in that situation. Employers who learn that an employee was exposed to COVID-19 must:
- Close off and ventilate all areas visited by that individual;
- Wait a minimum of 24 hours, or as long as practical, before starting to clean and disinfect the area;
- Clean and disinfect all spaces, especially commonly used rooms and shared electronic equipment;
- Identify and notify employees who were in close contact with that individual (within about 6 feet for about 10 minutes); and
- Ensure that the business has a sufficient number of employees to perform these protocols effectively and immediately.
These measures are all to protect the safety of employees and customers. And while many PA employers have taken their duties seriously, others have not.
When an employee is injured in a Pennsylvania workplace accident, or they contract an occupational disease, there are typically two types of claims they can pursue.
Compensation for Pennsylvania Employees Diagnosed with COVID-19
A Pennsylvania workers’ compensation claim is a way for an injured employee to quickly obtain limited benefits after a workplace injury or occupational illness. The workers’ compensation system is a no-fault system, meaning than an employee does not need to prove that their employer was responsible for their injury. However, the insurance companies that carry employers’ workers’ compensation policies will routinely contest claims. For example, an insurance company may dispute that an essential employee contracted COVID-19 while on the job and claim that they got the virus from another source. While a workers’ compensation claim allows an employee to obtain compensation without establishing fault, the downside to these claims is that they do not allow for the recovery of non-economic damages, such as compensation for pain and suffering.
Exclusive Remedy
The biggest hurdle in many workplace injury cases is overcoming the exclusive remedy provision of the Pennsylvania workers’ compensation law. Typically, when an employee is injured on the job, their exclusive remedy against an employer is a workers’ compensation claim. Thus, absent an exception, an employee who is injured on the job can file for workers’ compensation but cannot pursue a personal injury case against their employer.
The sole remedy provision of the workers’ compensation act does not apply if the worker’s injury was the result of an employers’ willful or intentional actions.
Personal Injury Claim
The second type of claim that may be available to a Pennsylvania essential employee who contracts COVID-19 is a personal injury claim. For the most part, there are no limits on the type or amount of damages that can be awarded in a personal injury claim. However, to successfully bring in a personal injury claim, an injured worker must be able to establish that the named defendant was negligent, and that the defendant’s negligence resulted in the worker’s injuries.
The exclusive-remedy provision does not preclude an injured employee from pursuing a personal injury case against a third party.
Contact a Pennsylvania Work Injury Lawyer Today
If you or a loved one has been designated as an essential employee, and contracted COVID-19 while at work, contact the dedicated injury advocates at Placidi, Parini, Grasinger & Page. At Placidi, Parini, Grasinger & Page, we understand the difficulties that families face during the COVID-19 pandemic, because we too are dealing with the same issues. Our team of attorneys is committed to helping you and your family overcome these challenges in any way we can.
We handle all types of Pennsylvania personal injury cases, workers’ compensation claims and unemployment claims. Our lawyers have been selected as Top 10 Attorney for Client Satisfaction by the American Institute of Personal Injury Attorneys awarded to attorneys demonstrating exceptional and outstanding client service. We will take as long as it takes to help you determine if you have the right to file a lawsuit to compensate you for your injuries. Call us at (814) 452-2222. While our physical offices are closed to protect the safety of our staff, clients and society as a whole, we are working remotely to ensure uninterrupted representation to both new and established clients.